About Our Farm
Welcome to Our
Miniature Horse Farm 
Hi, my name is Debbie and as my husband Wayne would put
it, I am a crazy horse person. Over the years, I have had various
breeds of horses including Quarter horses, Paint horses and Arabian
I was introduced to the miniature horse world by a
couple of friends – Isabel and Wendy and I purchased my first miniature
horse, a mare in 2014. The first pure Falabella to our farm was a
gelding - Strongs Prince Monaghan who was purchased in 2015 (my
Granddaughters horse). My husband and I quickly learned how friendly,
docile and intelligent this breed was. In 2016, I purchased my pure
Falabella Stallion, Strongs Golden Chianti Jr. In 2017, I purchased two
pure Falabella Mares – Benviews Cute Annabella and Jacs Reciba la
Energia and the rest is history. Fast forward to 2020, I now have a
little herd of 15 Falabella and Falabella Blend horses with pedigrees
going back to Argentina.
I became a 4H Leader in 2014, assisting in leading
various horse related clubs. My favourite club is the Showmanship Club
in which youth from the ages of 9 – 21 are taught show grooming and
showmanship skills, and given the opportunity to show at local fairs.
We actively show our horses in Southern Ontario with
the assistance of our Grandchildren. Our Grandchildren are actively
involved in the care for the horses. This has become the highlight of
my life sharing my passion for horses with them. It is always a fun
time loading horses, kids, and husband and heading off to the show. We
have met so many wonderful people through the showing process.
Our plan for the future is to be able to provide
education on this wonderful breed of horses. We are committed to
preservation of the Pure Falabella Breed.
About Our Horses
Our horses are handled daily. They are individually fed
both hay and grain according to their age and current body condition.
All horses are dewormed, vet checked and vaccinated on a regular basis.
Hoofs are trimmed by a professional Farrier every 6 - 8 weeks. Horses
are stabled at night in individual stalls and outside in paddocks
during the day, weather permitting.
Our mares are hand bred and when due to foal are
monitored by closed circuit TV cameras. We feel it is important that
foals be handled from birth. Foals are halter broke as soon as possible
after birth. They are bathed, clipped and shown during their first year
of life.
The majority of our horses are double registered – FMHA
and AMHR with a few registered FBR. Extended pedigrees including size
and colour are available upon request.
Our horses are guaranteed to be healthy and well